How do I cancel my membership?

To cancel your membership, please use this link: to cancel your membership immediately. Please look for your confirmation email for the cancellation. You can also submit a ticket to us at with your membership information and we will gladly assist you in canceling your membership and sending you notice as to when the membership will close.

How are the charges going to appear on my billing statement?

The charges on your credit card statement are under to keep your purchase private.

How often will I be charged for my membership?

You will be billed depending on the membership you purchased. Trial memberships, if not cancelled before the end of the trial will roll into the monthly membership plan and will be charged every 30 days until cancelled. Two month & Three month memberships will be rebilled every 60 or 90 days until cancelled. 180 days memberships do not rebill and will simply close after the 180 day period. All membership, except the 180 day offer, are reoccurring memberships and will be rebilled at the end of each cycle until the membership is cancelled.

When can I cancel my membership so that I do not get charged again?

We recommend that you cancel a day or two before a membership will be billed again. If you decide to cancel do not want until the last day of the membership to cancel. No matter when you cancel during a membership period you will receive access to that site for the full time you paid for. Waiting until the last minute can run the risk that the auto rebill happens before your cancellation finishes. So to be safe, cancel before the end date and you will still have access and will not run into the chance of being billed again.